It's 11:30 pm and the Vampire isn't back from his carousing yet... but he called home twice, so I know he's safe and having lots of fun, and we aren't to expect him home for another hour at least. What the heck, he's with friends, and it's the Glorious Fourth!
In the meantime, we had what the Pirate, my folks, and I all feel is the best and most festive Independence Day in many a year. We had a grand time, and I thought I'd share a bit of it with you!
First, we all gathered on the patio at the St. Anthony Park Home, decorated ourselves and the wheelchairs, painted ourselves with sunscreen, and were ready to go.
Here's the Pirate, flirting with my grandmother (sporting the dashing hat) and friend, Evelyn (sporting the dubious expression, although luckily for the Pirate's reputation, the camera angle hides it well).
Once we were well and truly organized, we all took off for the park, where the 4th of July Parade participants were gathering. The weather was gorgeous, warm with just enough breeze to cool the brow, flutter the flags and rotate the pinwheels.
We spent some time waiting for the parade to begin, and made a few new friends (front row is Evelyn, grandma, and the talented Margaret; middle row is my mom and two extremely well-dressed clowns; back row is me, my shade hat and a flag) .
Once the parade was ready to begin, we wheeled down the road en masse, to the delight of both audience and participants.
John, the dedicated owner of the St. Anthony Park Home, circled the participants in his Uni-que manner...
Once we had returned to the Home, we settled on the beautiful patio for a most delightful picnic lunch.
We had croissant sandwiches (chicken salad), mixed fruit, potato chips, and dark chocolate chunk brownies, washed down with much-appreciated cold beverages of various sorts.
The residents then went up to the sunroom for a hotly contested game of Bingo. Their exhausted families went home for a mid-day snooze! We couldn't have had a better time.
The Vampire just got home, safe and sound and ready to recount his day to his loving Mom. I can't wait... well, I can, just long enough to download the photos here. I hope your day was as lovely as ours was!